Tuesday, August 9, 2011

New Website!

Welcome to craftyannie.com!

This website is geared toward one of my favorite things: crafting! I'm a Close To My Heart independent consultant and, therefore, you can order right from here. Become a Follower and you'll receive instant updates to Google Reader when a post is added to this blog. If you don't have Google Reader, send me your e-mail and you'll get the same benefits except by e-mail.  Let's get started!

Let me explain the tabs across the top:

  • The Calendar tab is for, you guessed it, a calendar! Events scheduled for craft nights, scrap crops, Close To My Heart gatherings, and classes. 
  • The Close To My Heart tab takes you to the current Close To My Heart website. CTMH is in the process of changing the whole consultant website feature, so until the new ordering feature is up and running (October), you select this tab to access my soon-to-be old CTMH site, where you can place your order. If you don't want to go through all that, just e-mail me and I'll be happy to place your order for you.
  • The Gallery tab is a photo collection of projects I have worked on. Right now it's my trip to Disneyland, but I'll be fixing that up shortly. Pardon my dust!
  • The Silhouette tab will give tips and tricks for using the Silhouette SD machine. I teach a class on using the Silhouette and Studio software. If you're interested in a class and live in the Portland area, let me know and I can set one up.
  • The Videos tab is a place where I'll either plunk a video tutorial or link to a tutorial I've found on the web. Right now you can see a video of my craft room (although, my craft room has gotten smaller by virtue of too much junk).
  • And finally, the About Me tab is about me! I do a lot of stuff besides crafting - like building! I also have 2 adorable Corgis named Bella and Baxter (BnB) who offer much fodder for a website. I'm hoping to include tidbits about my life on this tab.

So, as you can tell, the site is still in the making; nonetheless, I wanted to release what I have to the masses!


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